She was so shy.......all invitations.
a) That to refuse b) As to refuse c) As refusing d) For refusing

...........can't always be the best.
a) None b) Every one
c) No one d) One

The ........... is an exclamation mark.
a) ! b) ? c) : d) @

A ....... may be defined as the name of a person place or thing.
a) Verb b) Noun c) Pronoun d) Adverb

Most of our day to day reading is done .........
a) Loudly
b) Intensively
c) Silently
d) Extensively
A ..........is a word which connects words phrases, clauses or sentences.
a) Preposition
b) Conjunction
c) Interjection
d) Verb
............is nothing but checking whether we have followed the earlier stages promptly and efficiently.
a) Review b) Reading c) Recalling d) All of these

In an interview when you do not know an answer, you should ......
a) Admit you do not know the answer b) Keep guessing
c) Remain quiet d) Bluff

Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as ..........
a) Storage b) Input c) Output d) Information

An error is also known as  ........
a) Bug b) Debug
c) Cursor d) Icon

Microsoft window is a (n) .......
a) An operating system
b) Graphic program
c) Word processing
d) Data base program

To view headers and footers, you must switch to ........
a) Normal view
b) Print layout view
c) Print preview mode
d) Both (b) & (c)

Ctrl + V is used to .......
a) Copy the selected text 
b) Cut the selected text
c) Paste the selected text
d) Print the selected text

Which ofthe following cell pointer indicates you that you can make selection?
a) Doctor's symbol (Big Plus)
b) Small thin plus icon
c) Mouse pointer with anchor at the tip
d) None of these

WWW stands for .......
a) World Wide Web
b) Word Wide Web
c) World Word Web
d) Word World Web

Which one is not a search engine?
a) Google b) Bing  c) Yahoo d) Myntra

......... communication includes tone of voice, body language, expression etc.
a) Non verbal b) Verbalc) Letter d) Notice

Proper nouns always begin with ......... letters.
a) Running b) Capital c) Small   d) Numerical

A noun that dandies neither a male nor female is.......gender.

a) Masculine b) Feminine c) Common d) Neuter
..........is an aggressive behavior and will most likely bring a negative response  from the speaker.
  a) Yawning b) Slapping c) Interrupting d) Dancing

The language of the report should be .......
  a) Formality b) Casual c) Fonnal   d) Loose

.............is the person who notices and decodes and attaches some meaning to message.
  a) Driver b) Receiver c) Sender d) Cleaner

In oral communication the speaker can observe the listener's ............ to what is being elated.
a) Response b) Rejection c) Reaction d) Reset

Which of the following is NOT good practice when in an interview?
a) Sit upright in your chair
b) Cross your arms
c) Speak in varied tones d) Smile

One of the major consequences of high self - esteem is ..........
a) Increased worker involvement on teams
b) Decreased complaints from unionized workers
c) Good mental health

d) Increased absenteeism

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